Improbable People Ministries Newsletter

 Welcome to our newsletter sign-up page. Those of you who have been with us for many years as snail mail newsletter subscribers already know you can trust us with your contact information. For newcomers, we have asked for as little information as possible because we know when filling out online forms how much we hate to spill the beans before we know if we can trust the cook. (And if that kind of mixed metaphor hasn't scared you away, you're our kind of subscriber.)

We have required your name because we like to know who we are writing to. But if you have a name you are ashamed of, are wanted in seven states, or simply prefer to remain anonymous just enter:
                                                                       First Name: Noneofyour
                                                                       Last Name: Beezwax

or some other gentle indication that you value your privacy more than being on a first name basis with us. We're big kids. We can handle it , Mr or Ms. Whoeveryouare .

We have requested your address for two reasons:
  • We like to have an idea what part of the world our readers hail from. Helps us to be geographically aware and culturally sensitive.
  • We can alert you when Sally will be singing and ministering in your area.
  • There is no third thing. We just like using bullet points.
But we have made this information optional in the event that:
  • You don't care if we insult your hometown or even know where Outhouse, Arkansas is.
  • You've never cared for the sound of Sally's voice. You just showed up at that one concert for the free refreshments.
  • You hate bullet points.
Once you fill out the form below and click the Subscribe to list  button you will be sent an email from us which includes a link. Click that link to verify it was you who signed up (and not somebody signing up for you—by law this is not allowed) and you will officially be added to our list.

Our pledge to you: We will never give or sell your contact information to anyone. We will do our best to provide you with interesting, entertaining and, most importantly, edifying content. You may at any time resign from this list by clicking the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each email we send you. 

Thanks for taking the time to sign up and read our tales from the mission trail.

Michael and Sally O'Connor

PS: Below you will be given the option for HTML or plain text delivery. HTML simply means you'd like the full graphical experience with pictures, colors and neat, clean  lettering. Text delivery will give you only that—ugly, plain typing. We recommend HTML for the full IPM newsletter experience.   

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